We have stop leak and wear reducing additives for the delicate hydraulic systems.

We can stop leak and water ingress in thrusters. We have specially designed products for both the hydraulic and gear part of the thruster.

We have additives for leaks and preventive measure. We use special teflon particles that reduce the friction between the gears.

Stern tubes
Additives that stop leaks and water ingress in stern tubes. Thereby you can keep on sailing until the planned dry dock.

Stop Leakages – Stop Water Ingress
Reduce Wear and Tear

We have stop leak and wear reducing additives for the delicate hydraulic systems.

We can stop leak and water ingress in thrusters. We have specially designed products for both the hydraulic and gear part of the thruster.

We have additives for leaks and preventive measure. We use special teflon particles that reduce the friction between the gears.

Stern tubes
Additives that stop leaks and water ingress in stern tubes. Thereby you can keep on sailing until the planned dry dock.

Stop Leakages – Stop Water Ingress
Reduce Wear and Tear

We have stop leak and wear reducing additives for the delicate hydraulic systems.

We can stop leak and water ingress in thrusters. We have specially designed products for both the hydraulic and gear part of the thruster.

We have additives for leaks and preventive measure. We use special teflon particles that reduce the friction between the gears.

Stern tubes
Additives that stop leaks and water ingress in stern tubes. Thereby you can keep on sailing until planned dry dock.

Stop Leakages – Stop Water Ingress
Reduce Wear and Tear
ABCON is a specialist in Stop Leak and wear reducing additives
All based on the latest teflon technologies.